Tibet Dog Europe (TDE)

TDE - Tibet Dog Europe Tibet Dog Europe (TDE)

The KTR e.V. has initiated the Tibet Dog Europe as a European dog show first in 2002. This show has become international reputation in the meantime. Many international clubs for Tibetan breeds have established the Tibet Dog Europe during the last years and have brought the basic thought to the friends of Tibetan breeds into the world. The show will be announced respectively in another European country within a yearly cycle.

The Tibet Dog Europe offers six titles for competition:

"Skar" Winner Tibet Dog Europe (KTR), CAC male dog
"Skar" in tibetischer Schrift
This title (shown in Tibetan letters) will be awarded on the “Tibet Dog Europe (TDE)” to the winner of CAC, identified during the competition between the winners of the Inter-/Open-/Champion-class as “V1” (first place) male dogs.


"Skar-mo" Winner Tibet Dog Europe (KTR), CAC female dog
"Skar-mo" in tibetischer Schrift

This title (shown in Tibetan letters) will be awarded on the “Tibet Dog Europe (TDE)” to the winner of CAC, identified during the competition between the winners of the Inter-/Open-/Champion-class as “V1” (first place) female dogs (or she- dog). The “mo” in the title stands for the feminine in the Tibetan language.


"Awa Skar" Junior Winner Tibet Dog Europe (KTR), JCAC male dog
"Awa Skar" in tibetischer Schrift
This title (shown in Tibetan letters) will be awarded on the “Tibet Dog Europe (TDE)” to the male dog winner of the Junior Class with JCAC, identified during the competition and graduated with “V1” (first place).


"Awa Skar-mo"  Junior Winner Tibet Dog Europe (KTR), JCAC female dog
"Awa Skar-mo" in tibetischer Schrift  
This title (shown in Tibetan letters) will be awarded on the “Tibet Dog Europe (TDE)” to the female dog winner of the Junior Class with JCAC, identified during the competition and graduated with “V1” (first place).


"Ge Skar" Veteran Winner Tibet Dog Europe (KTR), male dog
"Ge Skar" in tibetischer Schrift
This title (shown in Tibetan letters) will be awarded to the Veteran Male Dog on the “Tibet Dog Europe (TDE)” that was identified as the best Veteran within this competition, graduated for "first place".


"Ge Skar-mo" Veteran Winner Tibet Dog Europe (KTR), female dog
"Ge Skar-mo" in tibetischer Schrift

This title (shown in Tibetan letters) will be awarded to the Veteran Female Dog on the “Tibet Dog Europe (TDE)” that was identified as the best Veteran within this competition, graduated for "first place".


