
Do you like to become member of the KTR-Club, the only Pedigree Breed Club within the German Association for Dog Breeders VDH, that is supporting 4 Tibetan Breeds?

Everyone in agreement with the regulations of the VDH as well as the goals and values of the KTR and willing to support the Club community can become a member.
The annual membership fee (full member) includes “KTR-aktuell” and can content the monthly magazine “Unser Rassehund” (UR) issued by the VDH if requested (see form).

We would love to welcome you as a new member. Our membership application form can be filled out directly at your PC.
Please return the signed application to the KTR office. You will then receive a confirmation and the bank details for your payment.

The KTR Committee

Upon receipt of your registration you will receive a confirmation and the bank details for the payment of dues.

KTR-Satzung (KTR-Statute)
KTR-Membership declaration